Public share repurchase offerof ZEAL Network SE

Important legal information

You have accessed the section of the website of ZEAL Network SE (the “Company“) designated by the Company for the publication of documents and notices in connection with a voluntary public share repurchase offer (the “Repurchase Offer“).

Visitors to this page are requested to confirm that they have read and understood the following legal notice at the bottom of the page in order to be directed to further information in connection with the Repurchase Offer.

The Company is publishing information regarding the Repurchase Offer on the following pages.

The Repurchase Offer is made only by means of the publication of the offer document and is governed solely by its terms. Otherwise, the information contained on this section of the Company’s website and the documents retrievable therefrom do not constitute an offer to the Company’s shareholders to purchase, or a solicitation of an offer to sell, shares in the Company. Furthermore, they do not contain or have the purpose of containing any assurance or the assumption of any other legal obligation by the Company and, moreover, do not constitute a recommendation by the Company or any third party to buy or sell shares in the Company. Any decision in connection with the Repurchase Offer should be made solely and exclusively on the basis of the information contained in the offer document. The Company reserves the right to amend the terms of the Repurchase Offer.

The publication of the offer document by the Company is made exclusively pursuant to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany. No publication under the laws of any other jurisdiction has been made, nor is it intended or going to be permitted by the Company. Any such prohibited publication, dispatch, distribution or dissemination of the offer document may be subject to the provisions (in particular restrictions) of foreign jurisdictions. This also applies to a summary or other description of the terms and conditions contained in the offer document. In particular, the Repurchase Offer is not being made or distributed, directly or indirectly, in the United States of America.

The materials published on the following pages are not intended for publication, distribution or dissemination, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, in, within or from the United States of America or any other jurisdiction where to do so would constitute a violation of the applicable laws of such jurisdiction. They are not directed to, or intended for publication, distribution or dissemination to or use by, any person who is a citizen or resident of the United States of America or any state, country or other jurisdiction in which the publication, distribution, dissemination or use of the materials published on the following pages would be contrary to applicable law or would require registration or licensing of any kind in such jurisdiction.

All statements, views and intentions as well as forward-looking statements contained in the materials made available on the following pages are based, unless expressly stated otherwise, on the currently available information, plans and certain assumptions of the Company at the time of publication, which may change in the future. The Company assumes no obligation to update the materials, except as required by law.

By pressing the “I confirm” button, you represent that you have read and understood the legal information set out above.